Monday, October 29, 2018

Change of research and plan

After a few weeks of researching VR used in medicine and psychological treatment I feel like I don't have a clear path for what I am trying to research and also educate myself on. I feel that because I am not a medical student I do not have enough knowledge to be able to discuss VR used in medicine or surgery. Additionally all the papers I read are coming to the same conclusion which is that it provides the doctors with more visual information. I feel as though that's only the surface and I don't know how to dive in deeper. I am started to become curious about VR used in psychological treatment. Here is a rough plan on what I wish to research and I am hoping that this will guide me:

1. What is Virtual Reality?
2. How are brain works and how we immerse ourselves in stories, films, games, etc.
3. How Virtual reality works on the mind/brain.
4. Mental disorders/ Phobias and treatment
5. Cases of VR being used to treat phobias and examine behaviour/reaction.

This is my rough guideline for myself. I believe that there will be more information on this topic and I'm curious to read how VR works on our mind.

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