Friday, November 9, 2018

How our brain processes images and VR

"Vision begins with light passing through the cornea and the lens, which combine to produce a clear image of the visual world on a sheet of photoreceptors called the retina"

"The information from the retina — in the form of electrical signals — is sent via the optic nerve to other parts of the brain, which ultimately process the image and allow us to see."

Diagram of vision receptors

The reason I researched this is because I want to know how our brains process objects in front of us. Then how VR HMD trick our brains into think it's real.

How our VR works on our eyes and brain

"VR headsets used either two feeds sent to one display or two LCD displays, one per eye. There are also lenses which are placed between your eyes and the pixels. The lenses focus and reshape the picture for each eye and create a stereoscopic 3D image by angling the two 2D images to mimic how each of our two eyes views the world. "

Head tracking

"The picture in front of you shifts as you look up, down, side to side or at an angle. A system called 6DoF (six degrees of freedom) plots your head in terms of your X,Y and Z axis to measure head movements. "

Headphones can be used to increase the sense of immersion.

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